It’s for Real Workplace Ethics

It’s for Real Workplace Ethics Ed3 follows five students who attend school and work part-time. They encounter ethical problems on the job and your students suggest the ethical solution.
Program Details
- 4categories
- 64topics
- 64lessons
$1895 All Four Series, annual site license
$995 Series I and II online only, annual site license
$595 per series online, annual site license

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Why It’s for Real Workplace Ethics?
Work ethics is the intangible quality that “star” employees exhibit daily in their determination to do the best job possible—regardless of whether anyone is watching. These stars are the workers employers look for among dozens of applicants for every job.
It’s for Real Workplace Ethics empowers your students with the professional ethics expected by employers and teaches the consequences of poor work ethics. Sixty-four lessons – 16 in each of four series – follow five teenage friends who encounter ethical dilemmas in their part-time jobs. Each lesson addresses a different ethics topic that requires critical thinking and problem solving through the use applied activities, pre- and post-tests, cartoons, an advice column, a blog and end-of-lesson assessments.
Series I through III focus on the ethics of employees. Series IV highlights ethics of employers that impact employees.
Access an interactive It’s for Real Workplace Ethics demonstration lesson, and you will appreciate the creative way this program uses stories, applied activities, pre- and post-tests, end-of-lesson assessments, cartoons, an advice column, and a blog to motivate students. You can use It’s for Real Workplace Ethics as an individualized learning experience or as a teacher-directed activity.
Real World Scenerios
Follows five students who attend school and work part-time. They encounter ethical problems on the job and your students suggest the ethical solution.
Ample activities and critical thinking situations are provided as well as a blog for students to give their opinions
Explore It’s for Real Workplace Ethics Lessons
Try free demo lessons straight from the program to see if It’s for Real Workplace Ethics is right for your students. View video content, sample real lesson materials, and assessment questions. Dive into the program and get the full experience.
- Honesty
- Responsibility
- Excuses
- Punctuality
- Personal Matters
- Intimidation
- Reliability
- Work Ethic
- Attitude
- Listening
- Work Pride
- Promotions
- Cooperation
- Lying
- Confidentiality
- Disrespect